Cook up to £66,390 of extra revenue with our leading virtual brands
Earn Up to £15,002 per Month by delivering Burgerwise top-performing virtual Halal brands in your area. Tap into a growing market with trusted, high-quality offerings that guarantee impressive returns.
Want to increase your sales, profit and margin?
Our partners can earn up to £66,390 per month.
Our Story
BURGERWISE – by Operators for Operators
We partner with Halal Food Operators to increase their revenue and profitability by using their existing kitchen capacity to deliver our leading brands on delivery platforms.
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Become a Franchise Partner
“You could boost your sales by £8,859 – £15,321 per week by delivering three of our brands using your existing kitchen and staff. Burgerwise offers exciting franchise opportunities for Halal food operators across the UK. We provide you with our top-performing virtual brands, boasting strong ratings, and will help you select the best brands to complement your business.Our menus are specially crafted so you can deliver multiple brands without the need for an ever-expanding ingredients list.”
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